Sunday, January 5, 2025

It is good to be back

How can it be well over two years since my fingers found the keyboard and this blog and words found their way on to this page?  It's been so long that my computer no longer recognized the address.  I had to type it in and allow it to load.  Trusting that the correct page appeared.  And there.... what met me was the sweet face of little Grace.  It's been well over 2 years since she breathed her last on this earth and welcomed into the sweetness of all things Heavenly.  I wonder how her momma is doing.. and sweet grandma.  Those two ladies taught me so much as I watched them love on their little one,  I'll never forget how just before Grace breathed her last, her momma and grandma somehow knew her departure was imminent.  Before the roosters attempted to call in the morning and the sun started its climb over the horizon, these two lades got up and went into the bathroom and got ready for the day.  The returned and quietly started singing.  Quietly at first... and then just a bit louder with a growing resolve.  Grace was slipping away and they were allowing their steady songs of worship to nudge her to the inevitable.  And in the safety of their voices, sweet Grace breathed her last.  

I can close my eyes now and hear it.  I can feel the burn on my throat as I remember.  The smells, the sounds, the feelings... so much of that season of life remembered.  

And so much has happened in the last two plus years.  

Life looks so different.  Because it is.  

I've been so quiet. And I still may be.  But... or maybe better said... And.... what I do know is that it's time to allow my heart to stretch out the muscles and tendons of my fingers.  I'm sure my words will be rusty here initially. Shoot, maybe always.  But as the pages of the imaginary calendar flipped over to 2025, I had a deeper sense that I wanted to allow myself to write.  To see where it goes...or doesn't.  

My personal goal is to bring my fingers to this blog 26 times in this coming year.  We shall see how it grows, how it morphs, what becomes of it.  As they say in Uganda, "Tu Ja Ku Laba" we will see... 

Today, I simply stretch my fingers and breathe in and let my heart do its thing. 

It's good to be back.
