Thursday, October 4, 2012

Oh, my God, He will NOT delay
My refuge and Strength always
I will not fear, His promises is true
My God will come through always, always
I lift my eyes up, my help comes from the Lord.  

The other morning I went for a jog through the mountains of North Carolina.  The Smokey Mountains to be specific.  Without too much thought, I grabbed my iPhone, ear buds, and ever so excited self to burn some of the extra calories that I had indulged in over the course of the previous few days.  I had come to North Carolina to do nothing more than sleep, eat, be, and leisurely attack an ever growing list of things that needed to be done.  Specifically a lot of things that needed to be completed relating to Uganda.  I had support letters to write, emails to send off, research to begin, and the hope that in the quietness of pausing life, I would allow my heart to absorb the reality of just how much things would be changing in the next couple of months.  Since the moment I peeked at the email in the wee hours of the morning and realized that a dream had become a reality, I have been filled with a peace and an excitement that has left me giddy.  And so after hours of sitting in front of a crackling fire, I took off for the hills.  I appreciated that as I ran, I could sing the songs as LOUD as I wanted to free from the insecurity that someone would hear my totally out of tune self singing away.  And the words of Kristian Stanfill infused from iPhone to my soul and out of my mouth.  Oh my God, He will NOT delay.... I lift my eyes up, my help comes from the Lord.  I belted out and ran my little legs off... and then I heard a dog barking.  And then I saw the dog.  And I had a moment of pause.  Surely the dog was chained.  And then the dog came down the hill toward me.  He was NOT chained.  And He had a big chest and a determined look.  And He was coming directly at me.  Without even thinking, I yelled out to Jesus.  The dog paused and then turned around.  Whew that was close! The owner of the dog was driving down his driveway and immediately called out to the the dog.  I took that very moment to run at a speed that I hadn't run in a while.  Surely my pace was a clipping 8 minute mile.  And then I heard a horn and I turned around and there was the dog chasing after me.  And just as quickly as I saw the dog, I saw two trucks with men clearly committed to helping a lady in danger.  One moment, I was being chased and the next help was there.  And I was good.  Heart a dancing, but good.  

And the words kept floating through my mind. 

Oh, my God, He will not delay.  
My refuge and Strength always.  
I will not fear, His promises is true.  
My God will come through always, always.  
I lift my eyes up, my help comes from the Lord.  

In just a few months, I will be moving to Uganda.  Chances are if you found your way to this blog, it is because you have been invited to join me on the journey.  If you happened to stumble across this page either out of curiosity or by seemingly mistake, then know that you are welcome to come along.  I look forward to watching as God does huge and amazing things. I look forward to seeing Him come without delay just as He already has.  And I look forward to sharing.  Will the road be rough. I am sure it will be.  Will there be hurdles and barriers.  Yep.  But My God will NOT delay... He is my refuge and strength.  I will not (and when I feel I cannot, I will ask for strength) fear, HIS promises are true.  And He has good things planned.  That I am sure.  

Oh, my God, He will not delay.  
My refuge and Strength always.  
I will not fear, His promises is true.  
My God will come through always, always.  
I lift my eyes up, my help comes from the Lord.  

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