I probably should have a lot of deep thoughts to write about. Instead I start out this blog post with seemingly mundane. About two weeks back, I did some laundry and placed my wet clothes out on the line. Before I knew it, several days had passed. And by several, I mean nearly a week. The clothes were flapping in the wind..... all except for my new white shirt that had somehow come off the line and was laying in a ball on the ground. It was wet and dirty. What I didn't realize right away was that the fact that my new white shirt was wet and dirty was the least of my problems. The shirt wasn't really a shirt anymore.... the termites had found it and had consumed well over half of it. It was no longer wearable.... by any standards. And all I could do was smile. Glad that the termites enjoyed my new shirt. Just a few days back, I was hanging some more laundry up on the line when I saw the top of the termite hill. It had just sprung up. And it seemed that someone had kicked it. Thankful for that. Those little termites were creative or smart in where they set up their house. Hopefully, I will outsmart em. For all the animal lovers out there, I am sorry... but I am planing on having someone put a little poison down their hole. Hoping this works and no more clothes are lost to the hungry little termites! ( c :
It's been a hard few weeks. Hard and hopeful all smashed together. To be honest, it's been more leaning towards hard. And today as I thought about writing a blog post, I found myself wanting to share some of my favorites from the last couple of months.
Making pizza with my girls. Looking forward to being with them again more intently during the first few days of their upcoming break. Both Phionah and Lindah are neat young ladies and I have the honor of walking alongside them.
These two pictures may be two of my favorite pictures of the year. A. Ketty and I with the giraffe. A. Ketty was all nervous nilly around them (can't say I was all calm, cool, and collected myself) and we did a LOT of laughing that day. On Friday evening, I received a phone call that shook me to the core. A. Ketty had had a CT scan and the findings were absolutely unexpected.... on multiple levels. There was/is no evidence of cancer on her scans!!!! I can't believe how amazing this is. The type of cancer that Ketty had was both aggressive and came with a 80-90% mortality rate. To flip the coin, the survival rate for this cancer is 10-20%. Just about 6 months after treatment was started, the cancer is no longer detectable on the scans. For me personally, this came as a huge encouragement. God is powerful. He can do whatever He wants, however He wants, and Where-ever He wants. His timing was no mistake. It has only been a little over 48 hours since we had buried Wizeye. Due to all the rain, I don't even think the cement had fully dried. And a strong reminder that nothing is a mistake from God. God is not defined by location, situation, or anything else. His plans prevail. For A. Ketty it was physical healing coupled with deeper relationship with her God. For Wizeye, the ultimate healing. His going home and being with His Daddy. I mourn his absence from this earth... the gift of interacting with him regularly.... but also smile at the thought that He is in heaven.
Surrounded by those who loved him. |
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Just a handful of days before he left this earth. |

And while we were saying goodbye and see you later to Wizeye over here on this side of the ocean, my sweet grams was also finishing up her time here on earth. Monday afternoon, my gram breathed her last and entered into eternity. My grams was spicy and fun. We had lots of laughs over the years along with deep conversations. I am thankful that she was my grams. Love you grams. I'll see you soon!
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This picture is a few years old.... ( c : |
On Sunday, I left New Hope and headed to the capital. The plan was for a few days of rest. And what started as a few days has turned into multiple days. My heart was really feeling the pull of the last couple of weeks. I came tired and hurting. And in the quietness of the last several days, I have found not only rest.... but sweet and much needed time with my God. This afternoon, I was led to a passage in Isaiah. And it was food for my soul.
Isaiah 26:3-4
"You keep him in perfect peace who mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting Rock.
Thank you to all of you who have prayed, encouraged, and journeyed with me this last month. Communicating via email and Facebook has been a struggle due in part to poor internet and limited time. Thank you for your patience and I hope to get caught up on emails and Facebook messages in the next couple of days.
Thankful to each of you and your presence on this journey.