Friends visiting at Kiwoko Hospital. |
I've been wanting to write this blog for several days now... but the internet has been struggling. It's a little after 10 PM and I am in the clinic. Wizeye, our young man with serious kidney issues, has been in Kampala seeing a doctor. I am not sure what is taking them so long to get back, but am trusting that at any moment, he will arrive at the clinic with his mom. Wizeye's health has taken a turn in the last several weeks. A hard turn. His kidney function has continued to deteriorate. He was admitted to Kiwoko hospital early this week in fluid overload. Today, we prepared a room for him at the clinic. It's cozy and ready for him and his mom. It is also ready for the many friends that will undoubtably find their way to him. Some wanting to chat. Others wanting to be. All, undoubtably, wanting to connect. This past Tuesday, I sat with Wizeye at the hospital and we talked. We talked about living. We talked about dying. And lots in between. It was a hard conversation. As I told Wizeye the other day, we don't know how his story will end. We don't. But what we do know is that Wizeye is not alone. Not in the physical form and definitely not in the unseen. His God is with him just as there are many, many others who are walking this journey with him. Some physically. Some in prayer. Each different, but each so important. I ask you to pray for Wizeye in these coming days. For his heart. For his kidneys. For a deeper trust in His God.
And my goodness, there is so much to report from this past week. I received a message on Saturday morning letting me know that U. Ronald had been trying to get a hold of me. Rebecca had a sweet baby girl! oh MY! I just KNEW it was going to be a girl and had joked on and off that they would name her Chimberly. Just in case you are wondering.... I was naming her after myself. How selfish eh? K's here are often pronounced with a "Ch" sound. Hence, the Chimberly. Well, her name is NOT Chimberly... but rather Alice Isabel Kwagala. What a joy to sit with this couple and to hold their sweet baby girl. I am sure that her Big Brother Frank is surely looking down from heaven smiling at his baby sister. God is good!
Mom, Dad, aunties, and sweet baby Alice. |
Alice Isabel Kwagala |

On Sunday, A. Ketty came to church. This is her first time at church since, I believe, March. She is doing well and just a few hours ago, finished another round of chemo. So great She has strength, she has smiled, and she has spice! (c :
She is already a walking miracle. The type of cancer that she has is VERY aggressive and the fact that she is up walking, eating, and laughing is testimony to the power of her God.

Just over a month ago, I received an email from my tenant. He had just gotten a new job and need to move ASAP. He was moved out within 4 days. I think even less. The house had a lot of work that needed to be done. A lot. I put the humble request out to my friends in the area and before I knew it.... friends were stepping up and working on my house. People I didn't even know also joined the project. My tenant had offered to pay the rent for September. And by the end of September, I had new tenants. What a blessing! So many to be exact. Those who cleaned. scrubbed. painted. gave. repaired. organized. E.A.C.H. A. G.I.F.T!
And so it's now well after 11:30 PM. Wizeye just arrived a short while with his mom. It's been a long day fort them. And it be most wise for me to bring this to an end. The morning comes quickly. My heart is doing pretty well. A week full of varying emotions. Processing through on next steps for a young man and greeting a little baby girl just starting her journey of life. Tucked into these were connecting with the family group.... listening to a few share from their hearts..... eating chocolate and drinking tea... diving into Luganda Lessons.... and practicing those words with the patients who came into the clinic. There were lungs to listen to and rashes to examine. And so, it's another week of life here.... a life I am so thankful for. And so dear friends... near and far. These fingers will hopefully find sleep shortly. For each set of eyes that find their way to this blog page. Thank you. Thank you for journeying along with me....It is a GIFT!
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