It's Friday evening... I've just put some brownies in the oven and am chilling as they bake. I think that most of the pressing things from the week have been taken care of and so I'm exhaling.... and resting... and taking a moment to write you all. A little while ago, as I was preparing the brownie batter, a bird made himself into the house and was frantically trying to get through the screened windows. No luck. Which I presume is a good thing. Tells me the screens are sturdy. Armed with a pillow, I opened the door and directed the bird outside. And out it flew. Yes! I wasn't up for being pecked by a frustrated bird.

Wednesday. Another day of odds and ends. It was buzzing from here and there much of the morning. But, in the afternoon... it was time for some rest. I had switched my day off to Wednesday. I spent much of the afternoon chilling AND writing Christmas Cards.
A smile on my face. It was a day to be in the clinic. The priority the whole day was to take care oft those who walked through the door needing help. In a week of such variety, it was nice to pull stethoscope to ear and to listen not only to the hearts and lungs of many... but to also listen and be with those who came for care. Life Giving for sure. As the doors to the clinic closed for the day, my friend Anna got in the car with me. Off to my house for a time to connect. To share. To laugh. And to be. She drank a coke . I ate some eggs and toast. A very late lunch. Or a very early dinner. It is all in perspective. Either way. Good times with a Good friend.
Friday. That's today. I'm living in it right now. Most people who read this are somewhere in their Friday. A few are into Saturday (UAE, Thailand, Taiwan... to name a few... or for accuracy... to name several), but for MOST Friday remains strong. Today was strong. It was full. It was good. And I have a feeling it will be strong for a few more hours. Even as I type this, there are four young ladies who have come over for a sleepover. We made an agreement a little while ago that its' a no pranks kind of night. They agreed. I hope I agree. ( : Chandiru came to visit today. A young lady changed by a huge surgery. She can now open and closer her mouth. She can eat with a spoon. And her breathing is much more comfortable at night. Amen. Amen. Amen. There is one side that is struggling to open as much as it did following surgery. She will go back for an early review on Monday. But, for today, we celebrate what God has done. And we embrace her smile. For her, this Friday is a day of joy and hope and peace as she rests in knowing what her God did.
Chandiru, you are loved.
And today as we celebrated Chandiru, my co-worker and I also celebrated watching God do amazing things. Sweet little Colton was diagnosed with retinoblastoma last week. Today, when Bridget talked with the doctor on the phone, we found out that this momma can get care for her child for pretty much free. All his medical care is covered. The only expense is transportation to/from the hospital and costs for incidentals at the hospital (food, hot water, etc). A huge burden off of a mother who loves her little boy. Today is Friday, but may we keep lifting him up to Jesus.
Tomorrow is Saturday. I have no idea what will happen tomorrow. But, as of right now, I am slated to be in the clinic in the morning. Then in the afternoon, I am slated to go and have lunch with a friend in the nearby village. And then.... tomorrow afternoon. I'm hoping to sit down on the brown couch and write some emails, Facebook messages, and be.
Much love to you ALL. Just thought I would take you through my week. A glimpse into life here.
By His grace,