We are assessing the situation... |
Even the cat was eager to get away... |
Last year, when my roommate and I were walking late at night from one side of New Hope to the other, we came across a snake. To me, it looked like a snake from Jungle Book. Not necessarily because of it's size.... but because it was all coiled up and looked rather innocent. Chrissy did the appropriate thing... she stepped back and screamed. I did the odd thing... I found myself peering down at it. As far as I was concerned, it was resting and was pretty benign. The more likely scenario... it was a dangerous snake and something that I should have avoided and killed . We took note of it and kept walking. We notified the security man and that was that. Later I received the feedback that I should have killed it...
or at least ensured that it had been killed. An excellent point. And so this past Wednesday night when a black snake was spotted on our porch... I knew that though the temptation for me personally was to shut the door and stay inside... that the proper thing to do was to make sure it was killed. And so I did what any damsel in distress should do... I called out for help. One phone was turned off, one just rang and rang and rang... one person told me that killing wasn't their thing... and while I was on the phone with one man happily eager to come and kill the snake... one of the first people I called arrived on the scene. U. Jay and Jeremiah were ready for battle with their long sticks. I can't help but wonder if they may have been just a LITTLE disappointed that the snake in front of them was particularly small. But they didn't let on in the moment... they put up with our screams and quickly killed the little slitherly snake. It was dead within a short period of time and was carried away by U. Jay. On Friday, a green mamba snake was seen by our door. I might be more willing to hit the next snake I see...but I am just as content calling out for help. We all have gifts. Killing snakes is not mine. And I am ok with that.

This past week, Dr. Jim, his two sons, and his daughter's good friend, Lucy came and ran an eye team. In their three days here at New Hope, he saw about 215 patients. His main focus this time around was doing eye checks on the secondary students. They came in groups. Most received good news about their eyes and those who were identified as needing glasses will be blessed by a pair real soon. Dr. Jim will return to the States, have their prescriptions filled and the glasses will be sent back to be delivered to the student and/or staff. It's pretty neat. Actually, it's a LOT neat. So thankful as I know the kids and staff who received care from him this week are as well. Thank you Dr. Jim and team!
First step in the eye examination process |
A thorough check of the eyes by Dr. Jim |
Complete with curious classmates....
Thanks Dr. Jim!!! It was fun working with you this week! Thankful to your commitment and dedication for those he has placed in front of you! We are thankful. So thankful!
And what better to do after a long week at work than join the jump rope party. It's been many, many years since I did double jumping... and truth be told, I didn't quite get there.... but it was fun joining in on the fun!

And today started the beginning of a long weekend for me. It was a very lazy morning. We decided to go into Kiwoko to have lunch. We hopped a boda. We were going to check out a chicken and chips restaurant that just recently opened... but it was closed. Our second option was also closed. And so we walked to the taxi park....we wanted to greet A. Rebecca who has a shop there. After a quick greet, we invited her for lunch. Since she was working, we decided to eat at her shop. The waitress came to us, took our order, and delivered our food. I was so excited. There was matooke (steamed bananas), rice, and a chicken leg. It was good food, good conversations, and so good to be out and about in a country that I love! A funny moment from lunch. Asking the waitress in Luganda if she wanted us to pay then or after we ate. The only problem was that I mixed up the verb and instead asked her if she wanted us to vomit then or after we ate our lunch. Mmmmm.... An immediate laugh, an attempt to correct, and as of right now. I haven't vomited.

And since my computer is fighting me and not allowing me to place captions underneath the pictures, I'll say the four pictures above are from when we had lunch with Rebecca. The first was the view looking out from her shop. The second was a cute little girl who strolled over to us. She was curious and hesitantly friendly. Her hair was awesome! A bit frazzled... but nonetheless awesome. The next picture is of some of the foods that Rebecca sells in the shop. There are a variety of beans, sugar, maize bran, and posho. The picture directly above this paragraph is Chrissy and Rebecca eating. What a delightful afternoon. A great lazy day. Resting. Relationships. And of course a boda boda ride home.
Love to you all!
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