The rhythmic sound of the grass being slashed is seeping in through the windows. I am sitting on the brown couch... lounging would be a more accurate word..... bringing my fingers to the keyboard. I can't quite believe that I am back. Back Home. I type that a bit cautiously because in so many ways, I just came back from home. And so as I exhale from a delightful time of being in the States and inhale this coming season here. I smile. It is all good. Embracing where He has me today.
I've been chuckling over that word for the last near week.
It's a good word. Holding something closely. Enthusiastically. Willingly. Often, this comes naturally. I've had the sweetness of embracing so many around me in the last couple of days. Greeting, reconnecting, laughing, remembering, and being. All good. All sweet. The part of me that giggles is that sometimes I just choose to embrace something because it's the best thing to do.
On the 6th, when I flew from London to Entebbe, I had to choose to embrace the day. Nothing hugely wrong happened, but a lot of little things that made for an adventurous day. When I was getting off my flight from Scotland in London, the flight attendant made it pretty clear that my carry-on had to shrink. She was very gracious, but very clear. It was too big. It had grown in Scotland. 360 sachets of proper British Tea along with sachets of medication had joined the already full piece of luggage. Once I arrived into London, I made use of the repacking zone. Picking up a shaving razor, I attempted to cut the zip-ties on my big bins. That was not the wisest thing to do. Yes, I was able to cram some stuff into the bins (thus shrinking my carryon), but I also managed to slice my finger... twice. Again, nothing huge. Except that those two little cuts were determined to voice their presence. And did they ever! Armed with a wipe, I attempted to hide the bleeding. But that wasn't doable. In the end, a sweet British Airway lady had fun dressing my wounds. I arrived into security with a very impressive (and dramatic may I add!) bandage... one would have thought I had lost a finger. The bandage came off quickly. After all that, I needed the Loo. And well, that too proved to be an adventure. In the process of flushing, my boarding pass went bulls-eye into the toilet. Back to a different British Airway lady... this time with a slightly pinkened face. She was very gracious. Smiled and let out a little giggle. In the end, I got a new boarding pass... much to everyone's delight. And then, before I knew it... I was boarding a plane to Entebbe. Embracing.

And so I'll keep embracing.
The sweetness of seeing loved ones here.
The hardness of missing loved ones back in the States.
The absolute beauty of this country. The lush greenness and popping clouds.
The emotions of transition.
Will I do it perfectly? Mmmmm... nope. Not even close...
But I'll keep striving to embrace.
And trusting as He leads me. He's got this. He's got me. He's got you.
And for that, I am very very thankful.

I feel like I have written so much. The grass is still being slashed though the intensity of the rhythm has more frequent pauses. The chatter in another language is also coming in through the windows.
I leave you all dear friends. My neighbor friend just became a momma and I have a little baby girl to hold.
Let's all keep embracing.
Whatever comes our way today.... may we embrace it.
May we know that our God's got it. And us.
With so much love and thankfulness for each of you. You all are a gift to me!
PS. Some extra pictures below.
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having a proper British snack on the plane a little while before arriving into Entebbe. Clotted Cream? Heard about it.... |
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The view of Scotland. Thanks Grams and Gramps for such a sweet gift. |
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A dear friend. Natasha and I walked over 40 miles around Scotland. So many good laughs, chats, and adventures. |
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