The list of ALL the things that I needed to do.
Nothing on the list was unnecessary.
So at 4:58 AM this morning, I woke up on my own. A quick glance at my phone told me both the time and the fact that my phone battery was critically low. Despite the 4%, I still pushed snooze when he alarm rang and attempted to drift off to sleep for a few minutes. But with a 4% battery imprinted on my brain... I got up far before the snooze would have alarmed.
I was out the door by about 5:29 AM.
I picked up a young lady who needed to see the eye doctor and a young man who was slated to meet up with Ayeko and his dad.
After a quick stop at the clinic, we were off.

We arrived at CorSu hospital a bit after 8. We had made good time.
Chandiru and her older sister Zam came out to greet us. Chandiru is about a week post-surgery and she looks GOOD. Lots of smiles. And lots of pain. It seems that pain has been more of an issue this time around.

How heartbreaking.
After talking to the social worker about Joseph and praying with Chandiru, we were off.
My IY student hopped a boda boda for the international hospital to meet up with Ayeko and his dad when they arrived.
The young lady who joined me remained.
Before we knew it, we had dropped off meds about to expire at one place and she had seen the eye doctor. Next, my car was dropped for new tires and the young lady and I hopped a boda boda and began the adventure of Drug Shopping. A few things here... a few things there... and a LOT of things at there. Before we knew it, we had bought and organized a LOT of drugs and supplies.
We grabbed lunch, got the car, and headed to another car man. The first was telling me something was wrong with my car. I wasn't convinced. And sure enough, my car was fine. That quick double check cost me a bit of time, but saved me a good chunk of change.
And then we were off to the International Hospital.
And there we met up with Ayeko and his dad.
And before we knew it... we were with the doctor.
And we got excellent news. Things are moving along great. And where there was concern there was poor to no muscle present in his bottom, we discovered there was. And that, my friends, is HUGELY amazing news. For a little boy born without an opening for his stool to pass. Knowing there is muscle tone... is HUGE.
Ayeko didn't so much appreciate seeing the doctor today. It wasn't the most pleasant of visits.
But that is ok. Today's appointment is HUGELY amazing.
And so with a few more errands we were on the road again.
Bumpy, Puddly, and Exhausting... but ALL so worth it.
A FULL day.... with lots of sweetness and adventure.