Last night, I settled on the plastic hospital mattress and opened up my computer.
I had plans of working on my newsletter. The one that I have managed to start and stop probably 6 times in the last 7 months.
Being in the hospital with Reuben has brought me back to my days of working night shift as a nurse in a huge hospital in Chicago. And all the times, I made a ruckus in the night as I provided care to the patients. When you are the caretaker to a patient (and I presume the patient), you hear EVERYTHING. The shuffle of feet, the vital machines being whisked to and fro, the chattering amongst the nurses.... the list goes on.
And plastic mattresses. They are brilliant for the most obvious reasons.
And yet, there is something about the way that the sheets glide over a plastic mattress.
You think you are all settled only to quickly realize that the flat sheet used as the fitted sheet is anywhere but where it should be.
But, back to what I was writing about.
Last night, despite being tired... I felt the push to write.
And so knowing that there is a deadline to the newsletter, I figured I should respond to the push and bring fingers to the keyboard.
I've never been diagnosed.... but it is probably VERY safe to say that I can have the attention span of a fly.
So, I wrote a little on my newsletter.... wrote a bit on a blog post.... and kept checking Facebook.
even chatted with a friend on Facebook.
And in between that, I fed Reuben. Slowly, slowly the formula went down the tube that goes in his nostril and down into his stomach. He was a little squirmy... but towards the end of the feed, he was sound asleep.
Part of the blog post I wrote about was about not so serious things. But good things none the less.

Like ordering a pizza with basil and actually receiving a pizza with basil. (it doesn't always happen...just saying)
Or hanging with Reuben's older foster sister and watching her giggle as she ran around a gym built for kids.
And ordering a FOUNTAIN coca cola from a coca cola restaurant.

shopping with Mary. Winter Fleece long socks.... Made us giggle. I can't imagine it getting cold enough to warrant these.... but.... they must sell.....
Or ordering a greek salad (with watermelon) and absolutely enjoying it... only to realize shortly thereafter.... that eating salads in India is probably NOT the best idea. (no offense India).
That was what I wrote about last night. And I very much enjoyed writing about it.
But, what I didn't write about was the reality that this time in India is a patience builder. That it's hard waiting for a surgery that is not being scheduled as quickly as we would like. A surgery that is so needed. A culture that is so different than what I have come to known in Uganda. How many times do I look a man in the eyes and greet them. And then remember.... you aren't supposed to do that here.

It's a path that is narrow with the pressure of the unknowns, worries, and concerns of the today and the tomorrows.
It is the season of walking with a friend who is foster momma to this sweet little guy.
And walking with Reuben's foster sister
The days are Full. They are rich. They are bonding. And they are stretching. They are tiring.
They are.... not a mistake to our God. Each of these moments are known to Him.
And so God nudged me last night to bring my fingers to the keyboard.... to work on a newsletter that should have been written 7 months ago. And while I did make a bit of progress on it, I believe that God used that time of writing to keep me awake.
Reuben's breathing was ok when I put him down to sleep following his feed.
However, as I closed my computer and settled near him on the plastic mattress, I heard the change in his breathing. The change came on quick. And it became clear pretty quick that he needed more care.
And within a few hours, after a few visits from the on-call doctor, respiratory therapist, and the attentive care of nurses with not the desired response... I picked up Reuben wrapped a striped hospital sheet over him and together with oxygen tubing and a few nurses brought him down to the Intensive Care Unit.
As all the nurses came around the bedside, I sent out a message to my friends. Asking them to pray.
yes, for Reuben. But also for me. We both needed prayer. Different needs... but still needs none the less.
He was a trooper. And I was relieved he was somewhere were He would receive the extra care that he needed.

And as I settled into the bed and dozed, I was thankful for my God who went before me. And was with me. And with Reuben. And his momma. And his sister.
My God who kept me awake and allowed me to see the change. For the attentive nurse that was working last night. She saw the concern and didn't sit on it. Even God's choice of doctor was sweet.
Details were being taken care of.
And details continue being taken care of.
And so with a heart that embraces these journeys, but also has to navigate the emotions and hurdles that come with, I know I will sleep a bit more deeply tonight as I have been reminded of His presence in very tangible ways specifically with Reuben
We can see God in the fun things of life.... but I believe that we can also see Him just as equally in the hard. I would be to say sometimes, we can see Him more deeply in the hard.
And I am thankful for that.
I'm thankful that He holds it all.
And with that, I say goodnight. It's nearly 9:30 in my neck of the woods and sleep is calling my name.
Thank you.
If you feel led, can you please pray for continued strength for Reuben.
For a plan for surgery from the surgeons. We were told this week. We pray for surgery this week... but no matter what, that we would know His peace. And that we would remember that God is in the details and goes before the details.
Love to you All!