Hello from India! I don't know what India is technically known for... but I would say hello from the land of honking horns, spicy food, and LOTS of people. We reached here Monday morning after a long journey from Uganda. Things went smoothly in our journey over. There was a pause at immigration, but for how it could have been, the pause was amazing. Reuben did well on the flight. As the plane ascended, his oxygen levels descended a bit. The airlines were amazing and hooked him up to oxygen without any pause and/or fear. Shortly after we landed and gathered our luggage, we went outside and were connected with the man who would be taking us to the hospital. And we were off. I thought driving in Uganda was an adventure... and it is. But if driving in Uganda is an adventure, being a passenger in a vehicle in India is an adventure in capital letters. ADVENTURE. Mix that with very little sleep (maybe 30 minutes in 24 hours) and you are left with two choices. Engage in the adventure or disengage. I weakingly chose the latter. (or wisely) and fell asleep. After arriving at the hospital, things started moving almost immediately. Reuben was brought down for his first test and I went out to pick up needed supplies for our upcoming time in India. A lady that is connected with an organization that one of our New Hope Staff is connected with met us and helped show us the ropes. What a GIFT. Much of this week has been waiting. And being. And chatting with doctors/surgeons. And stepping into a deeper level of trust.
Not only with Reuben.
Though that is a significant part of it.
The tests are showing that he has pulmonary hypertension and that reality puts an added risk to him having surgery to fix his heart. The hope is that today we will hear whether or not he will be able to have surgery or not. It is a whole lot of waiting. And trusting that God knows what is best for this little man. Please pray for wisdom, for peace, and for direction.
Just a few days after we arrived, we woke up to discover that some of our currency notes no longer carried any weight. Like
no weight. In a country that is primarily cash driven, this has huge implications for many. It was a surprise decision by the government that was announced the evening before. I could probably write a blog post just on that situation but let's just say money drives a lot of things. And when the value of money is yanked... it leaves you a bit...mmmmm... unsure. unnerved. It is not everyday that one wakes up to most of their money having no value.
He has been taking care of us.
The hospital has been mostly providing us all with lunch.
The guesthouse we are staying at is allowing us to charge things to our room.
The transport to and from the hospital is included with our room.
And we have a few dollars worth of currency in the smaller notes.
And so we are waiting.
And trusting.
That He is holding little Reuben close to His heart.
For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, "Fear not, I am the one who helps you."
We don't know how God will help little Reuben... but what we DO know is that He will help Him.
Will you pray along with me for baby Reuben, for his foster momma, and for his big sister Mary?
That no matter what today brings, that all hearts would KNOW His voice and presence?
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