The sun has just set over Kampala and many bugs are greeting the night with great enthusiasm. Various other sounds are heard as I sit here. I can hear the faint barking of a dog, people talking in the distance, and the movement of various vehicles. And as I sit here, I ponder the gift of today. The gift of being able to be present with Adong Betty and her momma as they received some really good news. It has been one month since Adong Betty was admitted into the hospital for closure of a huge hole in her heart. Her momma reports that there has been improvement in Adong's health. The echo this morning confirmed this. Prior to her discharge last month from the hospital, Adong had an echo of her heart. Basically, the doctor used a special ultrasound and was able to see her heart in detail. And the echo showed that there was significant closure of the hole... but there was still a residual hole present. Her heart function, the strength of her heart, was also weakened by the procedure. Still, even with this information, her surgery was considered successful and she was scheduled to come back today for a follow-up. Today, the echo showed COMPLETE CLOSURE of the hole. Her heart is still weakened, but the doctor did not seem at all bothered. She went home with an added medication that will help in strengthening her heart muscles and the plan is for her to return in six months for a review. Adong had lots of smiles today. She was noticeably more comfortable with the various things asked of her by the doctors and nurses. She has grown. Her trust has grown. Her smiles have grown. And my prayer for this young girl is that her other heart.... that her nonphysical heart will also be strengthened in the coming months. That she would know the love of Jesus who has journeyed with her from the very beginning.
A careful listen of her heart by a doctor. |
All smiles from Adong! |
Thank You for loving this family with your prayers and generosity! |
And off they go! (Adong is behind the driver and in front of her momma hidden underneath the wrap her momma is holding). Looking forward to seeing her in six months and keeping you all posted!
Thank you to each and everyone of you who have journeyed along with Adong and her family.
Little Fatiyah was scheduled to have open heart surgery on Wednesday. Several of us drove in early Wednesday morning to be present as this little girl underwent major open heart surgery. We arrived at the hospital shortly after 8 AM. Surgery was scheduled to happen any minute. We circled around Fatiyah and her momma and prayed over this little girl. A short while later, the surgeon came over. When asked if he was ready for surgery, he said no. Last minute discussions amongst the team that would be working on Fatiyah left them hesitant to proceed. To be honest, it was a hard moment. Saddened for a momma who was anticipating her daughter having a needed heart surgery that would not only help her heart, but also bring her one step closer to having very necessary surgery on her skull. Heaviness at realizing that for this little girl, surgery is not an immediate option. And mixed in with the sadness for momma and Fatiyah, I found myself struggling. All the prep work had been completed. Fatiyah had met with specialists and gone for pre-op reviews and green lights had been given. And the decision to not proceed on the morning of surgery was hard. And it's important for me to acknowledge it. Because it was there. The worry of people's questions to a last minute cancellation shadowed my heart. It was almost like my own heart was under the probe of an echo machine. And a "people pleaser/taking on too much responsibility"defect was illuminated. And I don't want it. And so I am going to the greatest Heart Surgeon I know and I am trusting that He will redeem and heal this area of my heart. Because I want my heart to be as healthy as it can be. Not for man, not for things, but for Him.
And I love the fact that God can be working in Fatiyah's heart, her momma's heart, Adong's heart, my heart, your heart all simultaneously. And His healing is not limited by the physical. It goes much deeper than that. And I rest in that tonight... for myself, for Fatiyah and her mom... and for the countless other children and adults waiting life-saving operations both physically and spiritually.
Ezekiel 36:26
"And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh."
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