Good day to each of you! This is a blog post that I wrote for the ministry blog Just wanted to share with you all an update on these three little girls. More later... about things coming and things that have been happening. ( c :
Fatiyah |
Adong Betty a few hours after surgery. |
It is hard to believe that in less than one week, God-willing, Fatiyah will just be coming out of open heart surgery. It seems like it was just yesterday that we were having our initial conversations concerning four little girls who needed heart surgeries. And here we are, celebrating the surgery of one and preparing to journey along with two more little girls as they anticipate surgery in the next two weeks. It’s been a neat season of watching our God take care of His little girls. And I look forward to watching and reporting in the coming days and weeks. I’ll be eager to give a report on Adong Betty who underwent heart catherization surgery three weeks ago and is slotted to return to Mulago next week for a recheck. Her post-op echo showed a residual hole and the prayer is that in these last 3 weeks the remainder of the hole has closed and that her heart has strengthened. I’ll be sure to snap some pictures and assure her that many are praying. As for Fatiyah, I ask you to stand in prayer with her and her mom. She is slated to have surgery next Wednesday. She will leave for Kampala on Sunday and be admitted onto the ward for a variety of pre-op testing, observation, and interactions with the various doctors who will be working on her. This surgery is the first of two major operations that she will need to have. After her open heart surgery, she will be slated to have surgery on her skull which has not properly expanded thus allowing her brain room to grow into. Thank you for journeying along with this sweet little girl. As you pray, will you pray for peace for her momma, wisdom for the surgeon(s) and doctors that will be working on her, and that even in her young age, that Fatiyah would know the presence of her Heavenly Father. Thank you. Shakirah, who is scheduled to have surgery two weeks from today, was just discharged from the hospital.
Shakirah |
Down with pneumonia, she spent several days in the hospital quite a sick little girl. This is significant for any child, but for a little girl preparing for a huge open heart operation and little physical reserve, this is a BIG deal. I ask that you would join me in praying for strength and healing for her body. As of right now, she is still slated for surgery on the 27th of this month. If the date is changed, I will let you know. It is a gift to be on this side watching these young girls journey this journey. We, as a New Hope family, are so thankful for each and every one of you who have prayed faithfully and given so generously financially. Thank you. At this time, we have approximately $9000 of the needed $12,000 dollars needed to cover the cost of the surgeries. We trust in our God who provides for His children. If you feel led to donate to these girls, you can do so by going to and clicking on the donation tab. Please make sure to designate your gift for heart surgeries so that the money can be properly distributed. I look forward to keeping you up to date in the coming days and weeks of how these young girls are doing....and assuring them and their momma’s that they are indeed being lifted up in prayer! Thank you for journeying along with us as we journey along with them with Jesus.
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