Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A day....

It's evening time... just a little past 8 PM.  Just checked on A. Ketty and she is sound asleep.  Trusting that she gets some good rest tonight.  Tomorrow is a busy day.  There are errands to do, a doctor's appointment, and her second to last radiation treatment.  It's crazy to think that in 48 hours time, she will be finished with her first round of treatment.  Friday morning, we are slated to board an early morning flight and return to Uganda.  Three days from right now, God-willing, she will be with her family.  It will be a moment of celebration, I am sure, when they all see each other face to face. I'll be honored to be in the background watching this sweet moment.  God has surely sustained her these last five weeks and it is amazing to see how well she is doing overall.  Yes, she is weak.  Yes, she is tired.  But she can swallow.  She has no radiation burns.  And she still has a glow to her that has not been squelched by weeks of body draining treatment.  It's pretty neat.  It's actually pretty amazing.

It's been an emotional day... standing beside a sister finishing up her last week of treatment and standing from afar beside a brother who is really sick.  Feeling the pull of being here at the same time wanting to be there.  It's wanting to be with his wife, my friend, Alair.  It's wanting to be with their boys and with their sweet baby Norah.  It's knowing that things are changing.  And that while God is in control, it's hard.  And so, it's a day of mixed emotions.  Strong emotions.  Feeling absolute happiness watching a sister finish up her first round of treatment at the same time watching friends journey through a medical crisis.  Very Early Friday Morning, Caleb will board a plane with a nurse at his side, and begin a journey back to the States for specialized treatment and stabilization.   Several hours later, A. Ketty and I, will head to the airport in Nairobi and board a plane back to Uganda.  An ending to one chapter in her journey with cancer.

For now, I choose to walk with A. Ketty and all that these next days hold.... at the same time standing beside my friends in prayer.  They are surrounded by beautiful individuals who are actively walking alongside them now.   God's got them.  He's got Caleb and Alair.  He's got Ketty.  He's got me.  He's got it.  He's GOT it.

And so, I bring this blog post to an end.  A glimpse into my heart today.  The words haven't flowed as easily as I wanted to.... A day of feeling torn.  An opportunity to trust.   And an opportunity to embrace today and all that He has planned.


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